
Photo Credit: Jourdan Walls

Name: Tom Charly

Program: MST

Job title: Graduate Student Assistant

Why did you choose Pitt?

The process of applying to Pitt as an international student was rather simple and smooth. The Student Services team was replying to my queries and was helpful in my application process. Dr. Linus Pauling said “Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life”, my inspiration to pursue engineering echoed from this quote. Even as a small child, I wondered how the simplest of devices worked. This curiosity helped me understand my coursework while enjoying what I learned. I decided to pursue my Masters in Computer Networking and Telecom after I took and internship at BSNL (the largest telecom and network company in India). I was introduced to topics such as broadband tech, switching systems, digital transmissions, mobile communication, and telecom support infrastructure. This experience made me realize how very little I knew, which instilled in me a desire to learn more.

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